Surkanda Devi Temple Uttarakhand | Travel Tips


Nestled in the picturesque hills of Uttarakhand, India, the Surkanda Devi Temple holds a special place in the hearts of devotees and travelers alike. Perched at an elevation of 2,757 meters (9,045 feet), this ancient temple is dedicated to Goddess Parvati, also known as Surkanda Devi. Its serene ambiance, breathtaking views, and religious significance make it a must-visit destination for spiritual seekers and nature enthusiasts. In this article, we will delve into the mystical aura surrounding the Surkanda Devi Temple and explore the captivating journey it offers to all who embark upon it.

History and Mythology

The history and mythology of Surkanda Devi Temple are interwoven with ancient legends and cultural significance. The temple’s origins date back to a time where mythology and faith merge to create a tapestry of spiritual significance. Here’s a glimpse into the history and mythology of Surkanda Devi Temple:

Mythology: According to Hindu mythology, Surkanda Devi Temple is associated with a tale from the Puranas. The legend narrates the story of the battle between the demon Mahishasura and the goddess Durga. It is said that during this fierce battle, the goddess Parvati transformed into her ferocious form, Durga, and defeated Mahishasura. After her victory, she incarnated as Surkanda Devi to bless the region.

Goddess Surkanda Devi: Goddess Surkanda Devi is revered as an incarnation of Goddess Parvati, the consort of Lord Shiva. She is considered a protector and a bestower of blessings, courage, and fulfillment of desires. Devotees believe that seeking her blessings brings protection from negative forces and ensures spiritual growth.

Temple’s Historical Legacy: The exact date of the temple’s construction is not precisely documented, but it is believed to have ancient origins. The temple’s significance has been passed down through generations, and its architectural elements reflect the traditional style of the region.

Local Folklore: Local folklore and stories also contribute to the temple’s history. These tales often recount the deep reverence of the local population for Goddess Surkanda and her divine interventions in the lives of devotees.

Pilgrimage and Significance: The temple has been a center of pilgrimage for centuries, drawing devotees and spiritual seekers from nearby villages and beyond. Its significance is deeply rooted in the hearts of the local community, and the trek to the temple is often seen as a journey of devotion and purification.

Cultural Identity: The temple’s history and mythology are integral to the cultural identity of the region. It is a place where traditions are upheld, rituals are performed, and festivals are celebrated with devotion and enthusiasm.

Conservation and Preservation: Efforts are undertaken to preserve the temple’s historical and cultural heritage. Restoration projects and initiatives aim to maintain the temple’s architecture and protect its sacred significance for future generations.

In essence, the history and mythology of Surkanda Devi Temple serve as a bridge between the spiritual and cultural heritage of the past and the devotion and reverence of the present. The temple stands as a testament to the enduring power of faith and the stories that shape the spiritual landscape of the Himalayan region.

Location and Accessibility

Surkanda Devi Temple
Surkanda Devi Temple

Surkanda Devi Temple is situated in a pristine and picturesque location amidst the Himalayan ranges, offering breathtaking views and a serene ambiance. Its accessibility depends on your starting point, and the journey involves a combination of road travel and trekking. Here’s an overview of the location and accessibility of Surkanda Devi Temple:

Location: The temple is located in the Tehri district of Uttarakhand, India. It stands atop a hill near the village of Kaddukhal, approximately 35 kilometers away from the popular hill station of Mussoorie.

Accessibility: Reaching Surkanda Devi Temple involves a two-step process: reaching the base village and then embarking on a trek to the temple itself.

  1. Road Travel: You can reach the base village of Kaddukhal by road from various nearby towns and cities. The closest major town is Mussoorie, which is around 35 kilometers from Kaddukhal. Dehradun, the capital of Uttarakhand, is around 80 kilometers away.
  2. Trekking: From Kaddukhal, the trek to Surkanda Devi Temple begins. The trek is approximately 2.5 to 3 kilometers and takes around 1.5 to 2 hours to complete, depending on your pace. The trail winds through lush forests, meadows, and ascending steps.

Transport Options:

  • Private Vehicles: You can hire a taxi or use your private vehicle to reach the base village of Kaddukhal. The roads leading to the village are generally well-maintained.
  • Public Buses: Public buses operate from nearby towns and cities to Kaddukhal. Buses are available from Mussoorie and Dehradun, among other places.
  • Trekking: The trek itself is a rewarding experience, offering stunning views and a sense of accomplishment. The trail is well-marked, and local guides are available if needed.

Architecture and Design

The architecture and design of Surkanda Devi Temple reflect a blend of traditional Himalayan style and spiritual symbolism. The temple’s structure and layout harmonize with the surrounding natural beauty, creating a serene and spiritually charged atmosphere. Here’s an overview of the temple’s architecture and design:

  1. Temple Layout: The temple complex is built on an elevated platform, offering panoramic views of the surrounding valleys and Himalayan peaks.
  2. Entrance and Gateway: The entrance to the temple is often marked by a simple yet intricately designed gateway or torana, symbolizing the transition from the mundane to the sacred.
  3. Central Shrine: The main shrine, dedicated to Goddess Surkanda, is the focal point of the temple. It typically houses the deity’s idol or sacred representation.
  4. Architecture Style: The architecture follows the traditional style of the region, with sloping roofs, wooden beams, and stone walls. The use of local materials reflects the integration of the temple into its natural surroundings.
  5. Idol Placement: The idol of Goddess Surkanda is usually placed in a sanctum sanctorum, adorned with flowers, garlands, and offerings. The idol radiates a divine presence and serves as a focal point for devotion.
  6. Wood Carvings: Elaborate wood carvings often embellish the temple’s pillars, doorways, and ceilings. These intricate designs add a touch of craftsmanship and cultural richness to the structure.
  7. Mandapa: Many temples have a mandapa or a pillared hall in front of the main shrine. Devotees gather here for prayers, chanting, and ceremonies.
  8. Wall Paintings and Murals: Some temples feature colorful wall paintings or murals that depict stories from Hindu mythology, adding a visual dimension to the spiritual experience.
  9. Temple Bells: Bells are often hung near the entrance, and devotees ring them as they enter the temple. The sound is believed to purify the mind and summon divine blessings.
  10. Votive Offerings: The temple’s architecture accommodates spaces for devotees to offer candles, flowers, and other votive offerings, creating a tangible expression of devotion.
  11. Spiritual Symbolism: The design elements often have spiritual symbolism. The temple’s orientation, layout, and proportions might be aligned with Vastu or sacred geometry principles.
  12. Open Courtyard: Some temples feature an open courtyard where devotees can gather for rituals, ceremonies, and cultural events.
  13. Natural Elements: The design might incorporate elements of nature such as flowing water, stones, and plants, enhancing the temple’s connection to the natural world.
  14. Simple Elegance: The architecture prioritizes simplicity and elegance, allowing the beauty of the natural surroundings and the spiritual atmosphere to take center stage.
  15. Continuity and Legacy: The design honors the temple’s historical legacy, preserving the architectural styles that have been passed down through generations.

Surkanda Devi Temple’s architecture and design invite visitors to experience both the divine and the natural world in a harmonious union. The temple’s spiritual significance is enhanced by its thoughtful integration into the landscape, creating a sacred space that resonates with both devotion and serenity.

Rituals and Festivals

Surkanda Devi Temple
Surkanda Devi Temple

Rituals and festivals at Surkanda Devi Temple are an integral part of its spiritual significance, drawing devotees and pilgrims who seek blessings, spiritual fulfillment, and an opportunity to connect with the divine. Here’s a glimpse into the rituals and festivals that bring the temple to life:


  1. Regular Worship: The temple follows daily rituals of worship, including morning and evening aartis (ceremonial prayers) that involve the offering of lamps, incense, flowers, and devotional chants.
  2. Abhishek: Devotees offer abhishek, a ritual bath, to the deity using water, milk, honey, and other sacred substances. This symbolizes purification and devotion.
  3. Prasad: Devotees offer prasad, which is usually a mixture of sweets, fruits, and other items, as an offering to the goddess. The blessed prasad is then distributed among the devotees.
  4. Deep Yagna: Deep yagna, or the ritual of lighting lamps, is a common practice, creating a divine ambiance during important festivals and occasions.
  5. Bhajans and Kirtans: Devotional songs and chants are sung by devotees, creating a melodious and spiritual atmosphere that resonates with the temple’s sanctity.


  1. Navratri: Navratri, a nine-day festival dedicated to the goddess, is celebrated with great enthusiasm. Devotees fast, perform aarti, engage in prayers, and take part in cultural events.
  2. Ganga Dussehra: Celebrated on the tenth day of the waxing moon in the month of Jyeshtha (May-June), this festival honors the River Ganges. Pilgrims gather to offer prayers and seek blessings.
  3. Phool Dei: A local festival, Phool Dei marks the arrival of spring. It involves offering flowers and young leaves to deities as a symbol of gratitude for the harvest season.
  4. Deepawali: The festival of lights, Deepawali, is celebrated with diyas (oil lamps) illuminating the temple premises, creating a festive and sacred atmosphere.
  5. Hanuman Jayanti: The birthday of Lord Hanuman, a revered deity in Hinduism, is celebrated with devotion and joy. Hanuman temples within the complex also become focal points of celebration.
  6. Maha Shivaratri: On this auspicious day dedicated to Lord Shiva, devotees gather to offer prayers, perform rituals, and seek blessings for spiritual growth.
  7. Makar Sankranti: Celebrated in mid-January, Makar Sankranti marks the transition of the sun into the zodiac sign of Capricorn. Pilgrims often take holy dips in nearby rivers as part of the festivities.
  8. Akshaya Tritiya: This day is considered auspicious for starting new endeavors. Devotees visit the temple to seek blessings for success and prosperity.

These rituals and festivals not only uphold the spiritual traditions of the temple but also create a sense of unity among devotees. They provide a platform for expressing devotion, celebrating cultural heritage, and fostering a deep connection with the divine presence embodied by Goddess Surkanda.

Trekking to Surkanda Devi Temple

Trekking to Surkanda Devi Temple is a captivating adventure that takes you through scenic landscapes, lush forests, and panoramic vistas. The journey to the temple is not just a physical experience; it’s an opportunity to connect with nature and immerse yourself in the spiritual aura of the Himalayas. Here’s what you can expect during your trek to Surkanda Devi Temple:

  1. Starting Point: The trek usually begins from the village of Kaddukhal, which serves as the base for the journey. The trailhead is marked, and local guides are available to assist if needed.
  2. Trail Difficulty: The trek is of moderate difficulty, offering a balanced challenge for both novice and experienced trekkers. The trail involves uphill climbs, gradual ascents, and well-defined paths.
  3. Scenic Beauty: As you ascend, the trail takes you through dense forests of oak, pine, and rhododendron trees. The vibrant hues of these trees add a splash of color to the surroundings.
  4. Panoramic Views: As you gain altitude, the landscape opens up to panoramic views of the Himalayan peaks and valleys below. These awe-inspiring vistas serve as motivational milestones throughout the trek.
  5. Charming Meadows: Along the way, you’ll encounter picturesque meadows where you can pause to catch your breath, enjoy the serenity, and take in the beauty of your surroundings.
  6. Rest Points: There are rest points and small tea stalls along the trail where you can relax, rejuvenate, and interact with fellow trekkers. These stops also offer insights into the local culture.
  7. Ascending Steps: The final stretch of the trek involves climbing around 300 steps that lead to the temple complex. The sense of accomplishment as you ascend these steps is both rewarding and humbling.
  8. Temple Complex: Upon reaching the temple, the divine atmosphere and panoramic views combine to create a spiritual haven. The temple’s architecture and tranquility make it a place for introspection.
  9. Devotee Experience: The temple draws pilgrims and spiritual seekers from different walks of life. The collective energy of devotion and reverence adds a unique dimension to the experience.
  10. Photography: The trek offers ample opportunities for photography, capturing the changing landscapes, flora, fauna, and the journey itself.
  11. Cultural Insights: Engaging with local guides and fellow trekkers can provide insights into the local culture, traditions, and the significance of Surkanda Devi Temple.
  12. Return Journey: After spending time at the temple and soaking in the surroundings, you can descend back to Kaddukhal, cherishing the memories and experiences gained during the trek.
  13. Personal Reflection: The journey provides moments for personal reflection, whether it’s appreciating the beauty of nature, contemplating life’s mysteries, or simply being present in the moment.

Natural Beauty and Panoramic Views

Surkanda Devi Temple
Surkanda Devi Temple

The natural beauty and panoramic views surrounding Surkanda Devi Temple are nothing short of breathtaking. The temple’s elevated location offers a mesmerizing canvas of nature’s wonders that captivates the senses and stirs the soul. Here’s a glimpse into the awe-inspiring vistas and natural splendor:

  1. Majestic Peaks: The temple’s perch provides unobstructed views of the majestic Himalayan peaks that seem to touch the sky. The snow-capped summits create a stunning contrast against the clear blue skies.
  2. Endless Horizons: Standing at the temple’s vantage point, one can witness the vast expanse of the horizon, extending to distant horizons. The panoramic view evokes a sense of wonder and insignificance in the grand tapestry of nature.
  3. Valley of Tranquility: The surrounding valleys sprawl out in serene beauty, adorned with lush forests, meadows, and meandering streams. The tranquility of the valleys is a retreat for both the eyes and the mind.
  4. Mystical Cloudscapes: The ever-changing play of clouds that float and dance around the mountains adds an ethereal quality to the scenery. Watching clouds envelop the peaks creates a surreal and captivating sight.
  5. Sunrises and Sunsets: The temple’s elevated location makes it an ideal spot to witness the magical hues of sunrise and sunset. The skies are painted in vibrant shades, casting a warm glow over the landscape.
  6. Natural Diversity: The panoramic view encompasses a range of natural features, from dense forests to alpine meadows. The diversity of the landscape is a testament to the intricate balance of nature.
  7. Harmony of Elements: The view showcases the harmonious interplay of earth, water, air, and sky. The mountains stand tall, the rivers flow gracefully, the wind whispers its secrets, and the sky offers a limitless canvas.
  8. Serenity and Stillness: The natural beauty exudes a sense of serenity and stillness that can be both rejuvenating and contemplative. It’s a space to disconnect from the bustling world and connect with oneself.
  9. Inspiration for Creativity: The awe-inspiring vistas have the power to inspire artists, writers, photographers, and anyone seeking creative inspiration. The ever-changing light and scenery offer endless possibilities.
  10. Soulful Reflection: The panoramic views offer a place for reflection and meditation. The immensity of nature’s beauty encourages introspection and a sense of being part of something greater.
  11. Preserving the Beauty: Recognizing the pristine beauty, efforts are taken to preserve the natural environment and ensure that generations to come can continue to experience the awe-inspiring views.

Spiritual Significance

Surkanda Devi Temple holds significant spiritual importance for both locals and pilgrims who visit the temple seeking blessings and spiritual solace. Here’s a glimpse into its spiritual significance:

  1. Goddess Surkanda: The temple is dedicated to Goddess Surkanda, believed to be an incarnation of Goddess Parvati. Devotees believe that worshipping her can grant blessings for protection, courage, and fulfillment of desires.
  2. Religious Tradition: The temple is a revered site for religious practices, and it plays a vital role in the spiritual and cultural fabric of the region. It attracts devotees from different parts of the country.
  3. Ancient Heritage: The temple’s history dates back centuries, linking it to ancient Hindu traditions and legends. Its existence and continued worship reflect the enduring devotion of generations.
  4. Festivals and Celebrations: The temple witnesses several festivals, with Navratri being one of the most significant. During this period, the temple premises are filled with fervent devotees participating in rituals and celebrations.
  5. Spiritual Pilgrimage: Many consider the trek to Surkanda Devi Temple as a spiritual pilgrimage. The journey, characterized by effort, dedication, and the serene natural surroundings, fosters a connection with divinity.
  6. Panoramic Views: The temple’s elevated location offers breathtaking panoramic views of the Himalayas and surrounding landscapes. These awe-inspiring vistas are often seen as a reflection of the divine grandeur.
  7. Prayers and Offerings: Devotees offer prayers, perform rituals, and make offerings at the temple to seek blessings for personal well-being, protection, and fulfillment of their aspirations.
  8. Renewal and Reflection: The serene environment around the temple provides a space for introspection, meditation, and spiritual renewal. Many visitors find solace and tranquility in the temple’s surroundings.
  9. Local Beliefs: The local population often has stories and legends associated with the temple that reflect its deep-rooted significance in the lives of the people living in the region.
  10. Cultural Identity: The temple is intertwined with the cultural identity of the local community. Its traditions, rituals, and festivals contribute to the unique heritage of the area.
  11. Divine Feminine: The worship of Goddess Surkanda embodies the divine feminine energy and power. It underscores the significance of goddess worship in Hindu spirituality.
  12. Pilgrim Unity: The temple’s popularity draws pilgrims from diverse backgrounds, creating a sense of unity and shared devotion among people of different regions and cultures.
  13. Historical Relevance: The temple’s historical significance and the legends associated with it add to the spiritual aura of the place.

Nearby Attractions

Surkanda Devi Temple
Surkanda Devi Temple

There are several nearby attractions that you can explore when visiting Surkanda Devi Temple and the surrounding region. Here are some notable places to consider:

  1. Dhanaulti: Located around 20 kilometers from Surkanda Devi Temple, Dhanaulti is known for its serene beauty and panoramic views of the Himalayas. You can visit the Eco Park, enjoy adventure activities like trekking and camping, and relish the tranquil atmosphere.
  2. Tehri Dam: Tehri Dam, one of the highest dams in the world, is situated approximately 50 kilometers from the temple. The dam offers breathtaking views of the Tehri Reservoir and the surrounding mountains.
  3. Kempty Falls: Located in Mussoorie, Kempty Falls is a popular tourist spot known for its cascading waterfalls and natural beauty. It’s an ideal place to relax and enjoy the cool mountain waters.
  4. Mussoorie: The famous hill station of Mussoorie itself is a major attraction. You can explore the Mall Road, visit viewpoints like Gun Hill, and enjoy the vibrant local markets.
  5. Lal Tibba: Also known as the highest point in Mussoorie, Lal Tibba offers stunning panoramic views of the Himalayan range and is a favorite spot for photography.
  6. Camel’s Back Road: This picturesque road in Mussoorie gets its name from its shape resembling a camel’s hump. It’s a pleasant walkway offering lovely views of the hills and the valley.
  7. George Everest’s House: The house of Sir George Everest, after whom Mount Everest is named, is located near Mussoorie. The site provides historical significance and splendid vistas.
  8. Jwala Devi Temple: About 15 kilometers from Mussoorie, Jwala Devi Temple is known for its natural eternal flame that burns continuously. The temple offers a spiritual experience and beautiful views.
  9. Nag Tibba Trek: For those seeking more trekking adventures, the Nag Tibba trek offers a relatively easy but rewarding trek with stunning views of the snow-capped peaks.
  10. Cloud’s End: This is one of the oldest buildings in Mussoorie and offers a quiet escape in the midst of nature. The area is known for its tranquil ambiance and walking trails.
  11. Bhadraj Temple and Forest: Bhadraj Temple is located around 15 kilometers from Mussoorie and offers panoramic views of the Doon Valley. The forest around the temple is known for its diverse flora and fauna.

Accommodation and Facilities

Accommodation and facilities around Surkanda Devi Temple and its vicinity may vary depending on the specific location and nearby towns. Here’s a general overview of what you might expect:

  1. Mussoorie: Mussoorie, a popular hill station near Surkanda Devi Temple, offers a range of accommodation options including hotels, resorts, guesthouses, and lodges. These accommodations cater to various budgets and preferences, providing comfortable stays with amenities like hot water, Wi-Fi, and room service.
  2. Local Guesthouses: In the nearby villages and towns, you might find local guesthouses or homestays that provide a more immersive experience with a chance to interact with local families. These accommodations can offer a glimpse into the local culture and lifestyle.
  3. Tents/Camping: Depending on the season and specific trekking packages, some tour operators might offer camping options near Surkanda Devi Temple. Camping can provide a unique experience of spending the night amidst nature, but facilities might be basic.
  4. Basic Facilities: Along the trekking route to Surkanda Devi Temple, you might find small shops or stalls that offer snacks, water, and basic refreshments. These places might also have basic toilet facilities.
  5. Toilet Facilities: Restroom facilities along the trekking route and at the temple complex can be basic, such as pit toilets. It’s advisable to carry tissue paper and hand sanitizer with you.
  6. Medical Facilities: Mussoorie generally has medical facilities including hospitals and clinics. However, when trekking, it’s a good idea to carry a basic first aid kit and any necessary personal medications.
  7. Food: In Mussoorie, you’ll find a variety of restaurants and eateries serving local and international cuisine. On the trekking route, you might find simple food stalls offering snacks and beverages.
  8. Local Markets: Mussoorie’s markets offer opportunities for shopping, including local handicrafts, souvenirs, clothing, and more.
  9. Local Guides: For a more informed trekking experience, you can hire local guides who know the area well. They might provide insights into the local flora, fauna, and culture.
  10. Mobile Network: Mobile network coverage might be limited along the trekking route and at higher altitudes. However, in Mussoorie, you should have reliable mobile network coverage.

Safety and Precautions

Surkanda Devi Temple
Surkanda Devi Temple

Ensuring safety and taking necessary precautions is paramount when visiting places like Surkanda Devi Temple, especially in mountainous and trekking areas. Here are some important safety tips and precautions to keep in mind:

  1. Physical Fitness: Assess your physical fitness and health condition before attempting the trek. Consult a doctor if you have any medical concerns.
  2. Weather Check: Check the weather forecast before starting your trek. Be prepared for changing weather conditions, including sudden rain or temperature drops.
  3. Trekking Gear: Wear appropriate trekking shoes with good grip to prevent slipping. Dress in layers to adapt to temperature changes during the trek.
  4. Hydration: Carry sufficient water to stay hydrated throughout the trek. Dehydration can lead to fatigue and other health issues.
  5. Nutrition: Carry energy-rich snacks like nuts, energy bars, and fruits to maintain your energy levels during the trek.
  6. Emergency Contacts: Save emergency contact numbers of local authorities, medical facilities, and tour operators in your phone.
  7. Local Guides: If you’re unfamiliar with the trail, consider hiring a local guide. They can provide valuable information about the route, weather conditions, and safety measures.
  8. Trail Markings: Stick to marked trails and avoid shortcuts. Deviating from the trail can lead to getting lost or encountering hazardous terrain.
  9. Group Trekking: If possible, trek in a group. There’s safety in numbers, and you can provide assistance to each other if needed.
  10. Acclimatization: If you’re coming from a lower altitude, take time to acclimatize to the higher altitude before starting the trek. This can help prevent altitude-related illnesses.
  11. Altitude Sickness: Be aware of the symptoms of altitude sickness, such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, and shortness of breath. Descend if symptoms worsen.
  12. Emergency Kit: Carry a basic first aid kit with essentials like adhesive bandages, antiseptic, pain relievers, and any necessary personal medications.
  13. Communication: Inform someone about your trekking plans, including your intended route, expected return time, and emergency contact information.
  14. Respect Wildlife: Avoid approaching or disturbing wildlife. Maintain a safe distance to prevent accidental encounters.
  15. Respect Cultural Norms: When visiting the temple, follow local customs and rules, dress modestly, and behave respectfully.
  16. Sun Protection: Wear sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat to protect yourself from the sun’s strong rays.
  17. Night Trekking: Avoid trekking during the night, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the trail. Trekking in the dark can be risky and disorienting.
  18. Terrain Awareness: Be cautious while walking on uneven terrain, rocky paths, or steep inclines.
  19. Personal Identification: Carry a form of identification with emergency contact details in case of an accident or unforeseen circumstances.
  20. Litter Management: Carry back any trash you generate during the trek. Maintain the cleanliness of the trail and the environment.

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Surkanda Devi Temple is during the months of May to June and September to November. During these periods, the weather is generally pleasant, and the temple complex is easily accessible.

  1. Summer (May to June): This is considered a good time to visit because the weather is mild and the surroundings are lush green due to the spring bloom. The temperatures are comfortable, and the views are clear, allowing for a pleasant trek to the temple.
  2. Autumn (September to November): This is another recommended time to visit. The monsoon rains would have subsided, leaving the landscape fresh and vibrant. The skies are usually clear, providing spectacular panoramic views of the Himalayan range. The temperatures are also moderate, making it suitable for outdoor activities.

It’s important to note that the temple is situated at an altitude, so even during the recommended months, the temperature can drop significantly, especially during the early morning and late evening. It’s advisable to carry warm clothing and suitable trekking gear.

The winter months (December to February) are quite cold and the temple area might receive snowfall, making the trek challenging and risky for inexperienced trekkers. Monsoon months (July and August) should be avoided due to heavy rains, which can make the trails slippery and potentially dangerous.

Always check the local weather conditions before planning your trip and be prepared for any changes in weather, especially when visiting hill temples like Surkanda Devi.

How to Reach Surkanda Devi Temple

Surkanda Devi Temple
Surkanda Devi Temple

By Air:

  1. The nearest major airport is Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun, approximately 80-85 kilometers away from the temple.
  2. From the airport, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Mussoorie, which is the base point for the trek to Surkanda Devi Temple.

By Train:

  1. The nearest railway station is Dehradun Railway Station, which is well-connected to major cities in India.
  2. From the railway station, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to Mussoorie.

By Road:

  1. Mussoorie is the starting point for the trek to Surkanda Devi Temple. You can reach Mussoorie by road from various cities in Uttarakhand and neighboring states.
  2. If you’re traveling from Dehradun, take the Mussoorie Road and drive to Mussoorie, which is about a 1.5 to 2-hour journey.

From Mussoorie to Surkanda Devi Temple:

  1. The distance between Mussoorie and Surkanda Devi Temple is approximately 30 kilometers.
  2. You can hire a taxi or take a shared jeep from Mussoorie to Kaddukhal, which is the base village for the temple trek.
  3. The road to Kaddukhal passes through scenic landscapes and offers beautiful views of the Himalayas.

Trekking to Surkanda Devi Temple:

  1. The trekking trail starts from Kaddukhal and is about 2.5 kilometers long.
  2. The trek is moderately steep and can take around 1.5 to 2 hours to complete, depending on your pace and fitness level.
  3. The trail passes through dense forests, meadows, and offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains.
  4. There are several rest points and small shops along the way where you can take a break and buy refreshments.

Reaching the Temple:

  1. The final stretch of the trek includes climbing a flight of around 300 steps to reach the temple.
  2. Once you reach the temple complex, you can enjoy the panoramic views of the Himalayas and the surrounding valleys.


  1. Start your trek early in the morning to avoid the heat and to have ample time to explore the temple and its surroundings.
  2. Wear comfortable trekking shoes, carry a water bottle, and wear appropriate clothing to suit the weather.
  3. During the winter months, the trekking trail might be covered in snow, so it’s advisable to check the conditions and be prepared with the right gear.

Remember that conditions might change, and it’s always a good idea to double-check the route and current circumstances before embarking on your journey.

Tips for a Memorable Visit

Certainly, here are some tips for making your visit to Surkanda Devi Temple a memorable and enjoyable experience:

  1. Plan Ahead: Research the best time to visit based on the weather and your preferences. Check for any local festivals or events that might add to the cultural experience.
  2. Fitness and Health: The trek to Surkanda Devi Temple involves moderate difficulty. Ensure you are in reasonably good health and fitness before attempting the trek. If you have any medical conditions, consult your doctor before embarking on the journey.
  3. Proper Clothing and Footwear: Wear comfortable and appropriate clothing for trekking. Layer your clothing to adapt to changing weather conditions. Sturdy, comfortable trekking shoes with good grip are essential for the trek.
  4. Hydration and Snacks: Carry sufficient water to stay hydrated throughout the trek. You might also want to carry some energy-boosting snacks like nuts, energy bars, or fruits.
  5. Sun Protection: Carry sunglasses, a hat, and sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun’s UV rays, especially at higher altitudes.
  6. Camera and Binoculars: If you’re a photography enthusiast, carry your camera to capture the breathtaking views. Binoculars can also enhance your experience by allowing you to admire the panoramic vistas.
  7. Respect Local Customs: While visiting the temple, ensure you are dressed modestly and respectfully. Follow any local customs or rules when entering the temple premises.
  8. Leave No Trace: Practice responsible tourism by not littering and carrying back any trash you generate. Respect the environment and leave the trail as pristine as you found it.
  9. Local Cuisine: If you have the opportunity, try local cuisine at nearby eateries. It’s a chance to savor regional flavors and support the local economy.
  10. Cultural Sensitivity: Interact respectfully with locals and fellow trekkers. Learn a few local phrases or greetings to engage with the community in a positive way.
  11. Weather Preparedness: The weather can be unpredictable, especially in mountainous regions. Carry rain gear, an extra layer, and a small first aid kit just in case.
  12. Early Start: Begin your trek early in the morning to avoid the midday heat and to have ample time to explore the temple and its surroundings.
  13. Stay Overnight: If you’re an avid photographer or simply want to experience the serenity of the area, consider staying overnight at Mussoorie or nearby accommodations.
  14. Enjoy the Journey: Remember that the journey itself is an integral part of the experience. Take your time, soak in the views, and appreciate the natural beauty around you.
  15. Safety First: Prioritize your safety at all times. Stay on marked trails, follow the instructions of guides if you have one, and don’t take unnecessary risks.

Conservation and Preservation Efforts

Surkanda Devi Temple
Surkanda Devi Temple

Conservation and preservation efforts are crucial to maintain the ecological balance, cultural heritage, and overall sustainability of natural and historical sites like Surkanda Devi Temple. Here are some ways in which conservation and preservation efforts are typically undertaken:

  1. Environmental Awareness: Educating visitors, locals, and stakeholders about the importance of conservation and sustainable practices helps create a sense of responsibility towards the environment. Information boards, guided tours, and awareness campaigns can play a significant role in this regard.
  2. Trail Maintenance: Regular maintenance of trekking trails, pathways, and access points is essential to prevent erosion and degradation of the surrounding environment. Constructing steps, installing handrails, and using eco-friendly materials are some measures that can minimize the impact of foot traffic.
  3. Waste Management: Proper waste disposal facilities and practices are crucial to prevent littering and pollution. Installing waste bins along the trail and encouraging visitors to carry back their trash is vital for maintaining the cleanliness of the area.
  4. Reforestation: In areas where deforestation or degradation has occurred, reforestation efforts can be undertaken to restore the natural habitat. Planting native trees and shrubs can help stabilize soil, prevent erosion, and promote biodiversity.
  5. Wildlife Protection: Implementing measures to protect the local wildlife is essential for maintaining the ecosystem’s balance. This might involve creating buffer zones, enforcing rules against hunting, and minimizing disturbances to wildlife habitats.
  6. Community Engagement: Involving local communities in conservation efforts can foster a sense of ownership and pride. Collaborative initiatives can include employment opportunities related to conservation, as well as programs that promote sustainable livelihoods.
  7. Cultural Heritage: Historical sites like Surkanda Devi Temple hold cultural significance. Efforts should be made to preserve and protect the architectural integrity and historical value of such sites through proper maintenance and restoration.
  8. Regulation and Monitoring: Establishing regulations and guidelines for visitor behavior, such as prohibiting certain activities that could harm the environment or the site, is important. Regular monitoring can help assess the impact of visitor activities and guide necessary interventions.
  9. Infrastructure Development: While ensuring minimal impact on the environment, developing sustainable infrastructure like eco-friendly accommodation, visitor centers, and facilities can enhance the overall experience without compromising the site’s integrity.
  10. Research and Documentation: Continuously researching and documenting the site’s ecological and cultural aspects provides valuable insights for informed decision-making and adaptive management.
  11. Collaboration: Collaboration among government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), local communities, and other stakeholders is crucial for effective conservation and preservation efforts.
  12. Responsible Tourism: Promoting responsible tourism practices among visitors helps reduce their impact on the environment and cultural sites. This can include guidelines on behavior, waste management, and sustainable travel practices.
  13. Natural Disaster Preparedness: Developing plans and infrastructure to mitigate the impact of natural disasters, such as landslides and earthquakes, is essential for protecting both the environment and visitors.


A visit to Surkanda Devi Temple is not just a pilgrimage but a transformative experience. It offers an opportunity to connect with the divine, immerse oneself in nature’s beauty, and rejuvenate the soul. As you embark on this spiritual journey, may you find solace, peace, and a deeper understanding of the mystical bond between humans and the divine.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Is the trek to Surkanda Devi Temple suitable for beginners?

Yes, the trek is moderately challenging and can be undertaken by beginners with reasonable fitness levels. However, it is advisable to be prepared and take necessary precautions.

2. Are there any accommodation options near Surkanda Devi Temple?

While there are no accommodations available at the temple itself, there are various options in nearby towns and villages such as Dhanaulti and Chamba.

3. Can I visit Surkanda Devi Temple during the monsoon season?

It is not recommended to visit the temple during the monsoon season due to the possibility of landslides and slippery trekking trails. The safety of visitors is of utmost importance.

4. Is photography allowed inside the temple premises?

Yes, photography is allowed inside the temple, but it is advised to be respectful and seek permission before capturing any religious rituals or ceremonies.

5. Are there any local legends associated with Surkanda Devi Temple?

Yes, according to local legends, it is believed that a visit to Surkanda Devi Temple fulfills one’s wishes and offers protection from evil forces. The temple holds great spiritual significance for the locals.

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