Brahma Kamal | Saussurea obvallata | State Flower of Uttarakhand


The Brahma Kamal State Flower of Uttarakhand, a flower shrouded in mystique and revered in Hindu mythology, has intrigued botanists and spiritual enthusiasts alike. In this article, we embark on a journey to unravel the secrets and significance of this extraordinary flower, exploring its origins, symbolism, and cultural relevance.

The Botanical Marvel

The Brahma Kamal (Saussurea obvallata), scientifically classified under the genus Saussurea, is a perennial herbaceous plant that thrives in the Himalayan region. Known for its stunning beauty, this flower has earned several common names, including the “King of Himalayan Flowers” and the “Himalayan Lotus.”

Appearance and Characteristics

The Brahma Kamal boasts large, radiant, and trumpet-shaped blooms that can reach up to 20 centimeters in diameter. These magnificent flowers are characterized by their pristine white petals, which contrast strikingly with the dark green foliage.

1. The Blossom’s Mystical Glow

The ethereal glow of the Brahma Kamal flowers, particularly when they bloom at night, has sparked numerous legends. In the moonlight, these blossoms seem to emit a soft, otherworldly luminescence, adding to their mystique.

Mythological Significance

2. Brahma Kamal and Hindu Mythology

In Hindu mythology, the Brahma Kamal is intricately linked to Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe. It is believed that the flower sprouted from Lord Brahma’s navel, and hence, it is considered sacred and divine.

3. The Offering to the Gods

Devotees often offer the Brahma Kamal to deities during religious ceremonies, believing that it symbolizes purity and devotion.

Cultural and Medicinal Importance

4. Traditional Uses

The people of the Himalayan region have utilized the Brahma Kamal for various purposes. Its roots and leaves have been traditionally employed in Ayurvedic medicine for their potential healing properties.

5. Spiritual Practices

Mystics and yogis value the Brahma Kamal for its perceived ability to aid in meditation and spiritual awakening. It is believed that the flower can facilitate a deeper connection with the divine.

Conservation Efforts

6. Endangered Status

Despite its cultural and ecological importance, the Brahma Kamal faces the threat of extinction due to habitat loss and over-harvesting. It is categorized as an endangered species, prompting conservation efforts.

7. Conservation Initiatives

Several organizations and governmental bodies are working tirelessly to protect and conserve the Brahma Kamal and its fragile ecosystem. Efforts include habitat preservation and awareness campaigns.

Cultivation and Care

8. Growing Brahma Kamal

Cultivating Brahma Kamal outside its native habitat can be a challenging endeavor. Gardeners must recreate the specific conditions of the Himalayas, including well-drained soil and a cool, temperate climate.


In conclusion, the Brahma Kamal stands as a symbol of divinity, beauty, and conservation. Its rich cultural history and enigmatic allure continue to captivate those who encounter it. Let us strive to protect and preserve this mystical flower, ensuring that future generations can also marvel at its splendor.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ 1: Is Brahma Kamal only found in the Himalayas?

No, the Brahma Kamal is primarily found in the Himalayan region but can also be cultivated in suitable conditions outside its native habitat.

FAQ 2: Are there any specific rituals associated with the Brahma Kamal?

Yes, offering the Brahma Kamal to deities during religious ceremonies is a common practice in Hindu culture.

FAQ 3: What are the potential medicinal uses of Brahma Kamal?

The roots and leaves of the Brahma Kamal have been used in Ayurvedic medicine for their therapeutic properties, which include anti-inflammatory and digestive benefits.

FAQ 4: Can I grow Brahma Kamal in my garden?

Growing Brahma Kamal in a non-Himalayan region can be challenging, but with the right care and conditions, it is possible to cultivate this magnificent flower.

FAQ 5: How can I contribute to the conservation of Brahma Kamal?

You can support conservation efforts by spreading awareness about the endangered status of the Brahma Kamal and donating to organizations dedicated to its preservation.

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